Waukesha Pump Parts for 060, 064, 130, 134 U1 Pumps

Spare parts for Waukesha Pumps

Posted by BestPump

December 12, 2023

Stop overpaying for spare parts to suit Waukesha Pump models 060U1, 064U1, 130U1 & 134U1.

Start using quality engineered alternative spares at realistic prices.

We do not supply cheap pirate parts. We work exclusively with recognised hygienic pump manufacturers and only supply precision engineered parts which are sourced from North America.

Exploded Parts Drawing

Pump Parts List

ItemDescriptionReferencePart NumberQuantity Req’dNotes
1Capscrew, Gear Case Cover, SS30-500700HHCSGCC-SS6
1aWasher GC Cover Capscrew, SS43-1890700GCCWSH-SS6
2Oil Seal – Gear Case Cover000030012WT0600GCSC1
3Oil Level, Drain Plug, SSWTOILPLUG375-75T-SS4
4Gear Case Cover, Steel (Powder Coated, White)070106000WT0700GCC-021
4Gear Case Cover, Stainless Steel102282WT0700GCC-012
5Lock Nut – GearSTD236009WT009LNUT2
6Lock Washer – GearSTD136009WT009LWSH1
7Gear Drive Shaft060007001WT0600GR11
8Gear Short Shaft060007002WT0600GR21
9Key, Gear060037000WT0600GDK2
10Gear Case, Cast Iron (Powder Coated, White)WT0700GC-021
10Gear Case, Stainless SteelWT0700GC-011
11Oil Seal Rear 000030011WT0600GCSR2
12Grease Fitting ¼-28, SSWT0600GFITTING-SS8
13Gear Case Base, Cast Iron (Powder Coated, White)070110000WT0700GCB-021
13Gear Case Base, Stainless Steel102286WT0700GCB-011
14Socket Head Capscrew, Mounting Shim, SS60SHCSGCB0700SHCSGCB-SS4
15Stud – 0600-0640108843WT0600STUD8
15Stud Jacketed Cover – 0600-0640108846WT0600STUDJ8
15Stud – 1300-1340130011000WT1300STUD8
15Stud Jacketed Cover – 1300-1340130011001WT1300STUDJ8
15Stud – 0600-0640108843WT0600STUD6
15Stud, Short, 0640 & 13400C1050000WT0640STUD2
15Stud Jacketed Cover – 0600-0640108846WT0600STUDJ6
15Stud, Short, Jacketed, 0640 & 134035556WT0640STUDJ2
15Stud – 1300-1340130011000WT1300STUD6
15Stud, Short, 0640 & 13400C1050000WT0640STUD2
15Stud Jacketed Cover – 1300-1340130011001WT1300STUDJ6
15Stud, Short, Jacketed, 0640 & 134035556WT0640STUDJ2
16Dowel Bushing, LowerCD0116100WT0600-116-11
17Dowel Bushing, UpperCD0116000WT0600-1161
18Spacer Gear to Rear Bearing107187WT0600GSP2
19Rear Bearing 107186WT0600BRGR2
20Spacer Bearing060055003WT0600BSP2
21Shim Kit117891WT0600SHIMKIT2
22Front Bearing060036000WT0600BRGF2
23Drive Shaft (17-4PH) Model 0450-0640 TRA10060008001
23Drive Shaft (17-4PH) Model 1300-1340 TRA10130008001
24Short Shaft (17-4PH) Model 0450-0640 TRA10060009001
24Short Shaft (17-4PH) Model 1300-1340 TRA10130009001
25Drive PinCD0126000WTCD01262
26Bearing Retainer Front123531
27Grease Seal Front Brg Ret000030009WT0600BRGSR2
28Button Head Capscrew, Brg Ret, SS0700BHCSBRGR-SS8
29Stop Pin Seal223126000WT0600SPIN2
30Dowel (upper gear case)124584WT0600040R1
31Dowel Pin,Lower Gear Case Side124586WT0600040R101
32Pump Body Rotor Case 0600600010001
32Pump Body Rotor Case 0640640010001
32Pump Body Rotor Case 1301300010001
32Pump Body Rotor Case 1341340010001
33Rectangular Flange O Ring – Buna (Model 0640)N70366N703661
33Rectangular Flange O Ring – Buna (Model 1340)N70369N703691
34Dowel Pin, Lower Cover SideCD0040100
35Dowel Pin, Upper Cover SideCD0040000
37Body Retaining Screw 30-319WT0600RETSCREW2
37Body Retaining Screw 30-423WT1300RETSCREW2
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0450 TRA10, Std ClearanceWA0450RTB-N1-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0450 TRA10, HotWA0450RTB-N2-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0450 TRA10, ChocolateWA0450RTB-N3-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0450 TRA10, Front FaceWA0450RTB-N4-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, Std Clearance060010000
38Twin Blade Rotor, 316SS , 060 U10600102002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, HotWA0600RTB-N2-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, ChocolateWA0600RTB-N3-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, Front FaceWA0600RTB-N4-002
38Single Wing Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, Std Clearance117343WA0600RSW-N1-002
38Single Wing Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, HotWA0600RSW-N2-002
38Single Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, ChocolateWA0600RSW-N3-002
38Single Wing Rotor, #808 Alloy, 0600 TRA10, Front FaceWA0600RSW-N4-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, Std Clearance130010000
38Twin Blade Rotor, 316SS, 130 U1, Std Clearance1300102002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, HotWA1300RTB-N2-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, ChocolateWA1300RTB-N3-002
38Twin Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, Front FaceWA1300RTB-N4-002
38Single Wing Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, Std Clearance117360WA1300RSW-N1-002
38Single Wing Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, HotWA1300RSW-N2-002
38Single Blade Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, ChocolateWA1300RSW-N3-002
38Single Wing Rotor, #808 Alloy, 1300 TRA10, Front FaceWA1300RSW-N4-002
42Jam Nut060052001WT0600NUT4
43Cover O Ring – BunaN70272N702721
43Cover O Ring – SiliconeS70272S702721
43Cover O Ring – FKMV70272V702721
43Cover O Ring – EPDME70272E702721
44Pump Cover CD0002S00WT0600CVRS1
44Pump Cover – JacketedCD0002J10WT0600CVRJ1
45Wing Nut105852WT0600WNUT8
45Hex Nut108371WT0600HEXNUT8
46Large Cleanout Plug41013
47Drive Shaft Key, 3/8 X 3/8 X 1 5/8000037003WT0600DRIVEKEY1
48Seal Guards, SSWT0700GRD-044
49Fastner, Seal Guard0150GUARDSCRW8
49aWasher, Seal GuardWT0150GUARDWSH8
Grease Fitting Cap, Red PlasticWTGREASECAP8
Nameplate RivetWTNPRIVET4
Plastic Cap Tapped Holes, Mounting Pad0700PADPLUG12
O Ring Removal ToolWT096RT
Rotor Nut WrenchWT0600WR
Spanner Wrench – 0450-1340 (for lock nut)WT0700SPWR
Oil, Magna-Plate 460-FG, 1-galWT140MOIL
Grease Halo-Guard FG-2LT00 (1 lb tube)WT142GREASE
LUBSeal Face & Elastomer Installation Lubrication (10 mil tube)1-908-049-999-001
Nylon Block – Rotor Locking ToolZ94-8877-06
IOM Manual – TRA10 Series PumpsWT-TSM-TRA10

As well as compatible spare parts to suit Waukesha Pumps models 060U1, 064U1, 130U1 and 134U1, we also supply drop-in, interchangeable pumps that meet or exceed the OEM pump model specifications and standards.

Waukesha® & Waukesha Cherry-Burrell® pumps are registered Trademarks of SPX FLOW Inc..

BestPump Ltd has worked on these pumps since the year 2000 and has no affiliation to these brands. Any name, model, part number, brand, image or referral is for descriptive purposes only.

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